All the vital info.
To visit Ohio Amish Country all you need to know is how to get here and how to have fun. It can be nice to have some ideas of what to expect, especially if your experience needs to be a little specialized.
Are pets permitted?
Yes, they are permitted in many locations and several lodgings. We have plenty of green spaces available for pet leisure time. Look for the pawprint symbol next to a business to determine pet-friendliness.
Are there accessible attractions and facilities for those with mobility challenges?
Yes. Many area attractions, restaurants, shops, and lodgings are fully accessible. If you have concerns, do not hesitate to check with individual businesses or to call the Tourism Bureau.
Is there cell and wi-fi service available?
Yes. We are hip to the technologies. However, much of our area is rural and hilly, so this can limit cell access in our more remote, country locations. Plan accordingly if you rely on your map services for guidance.
Are any businesses open on Sundays?
Yes. Historic Downtown Millersburg has several shops and restaurants open on Sunday. Attractions in the surrounding area also offer Sunday activities. Sunday is an excellent day to see the countryside as many Amish travel to church. However, any Amish-owned business or businesses reliant on Amish employees will be closed Sunday.
Should I make lodging reservations ahead of my visit?
It’s not necessary but is suggested so that you can focus on making memories rather than finding a hotel. If you visit during our busy fall season (September-October), making lodging reservations ahead of time will save you concern if local lodgings are full. Additionally, if you need special or group accomodations, you’ll want to check on availability in advance. If you like to make decisions on the fly, stop by the Tourism Bureau when you’re in Millersburg so that we can help recommend the best accomodations for your needs.
What are Amish Country’s hours?
Amish Country is a large rural area with many businesses. Most businesses are open Monday-Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. with some businesses open on Sunday at various times. From there, check individual businesses for more details.