Antiques & Thrift
Dig for deals.
Get ready for bargain hunting season.
Sometimes the fun of shopping is in sifting through unusual items and finding those bargains. Are you a skilled bargain hunter? We love good deals and upcycling in Ohio Amish Country. That keeps our thrift shops stocked and the shopping season open year-round. Many of our thrift shops are operated by local missions, so you’re contributing to outreach funds that stretch across the world.
Treasure hunters wanted.
Do you dream about the past lives of those Victorian chairs or rusted hammers? Antiquing is it’s own hobby. And if you enjoy uncovering those treasures that have endured for generations, we have excellent opportunities for you. From antique tools to furniture to cultural mementos, a stop in one of our antique shops will ignite your imagination and kindle those memories of lifetimes past.